The tough news: 1 in 26 will develop epilepsy in his or her lifetime.
The good news: 26 in 26 people can make a difference and there are so many ways to get involved!

Making a donation doesn’t always involve making a monetary gift by check or credit card – there are multiple ways to fundraise and donate! From donating gently used clothing, writing Epilepsy Foundation Los Angeles in your will, hosting a do-it-yourself awareness and fundraising event, and more!

Join our Programs
We host programs to empower people with epilepsy to learn more about the epilepsies, become self-advocates to ensure protection of civil rights and the access to care, and build community through activities like art therapy, support groups, workshops, camp and more.
Join our Programs

We rely on amazing volunteers like yourself to help us in the fight to End Epilepsy Together! We are looking for volunteers to help us in everything from working in the office to working at our community events or serving on our Board of Directors.

Learn Seizure First Aid
Seizures are very common - 1 in 10 people will have a seizure in his/her lifetime. Learning seizure first aid includes recognizing the different types of seizures and the appropriate response for the seizure type(s).
Learn Seizure First Aid

Be an Advocate
We invite everyone to participate as an advocate — for each other — in this fight. This means educating community and state and federal leaders and key decision-makers about epilepsy so they are more aware of and sensitive to the needs and concerns of families with epilepsy.
Be an Advocate

Share your story
Sharing your personal story of epilepsy and seizures helps others understand and inspires more people to join the fight to End Epilepsy Together.
Share your story

Support Care and Cure
The Care & Cure Institute was established to fund medical fellowships for pediatric epileptologists with the sole purpose of mitigating and eliminating the catastrophic effects of epilepsy. Since 2006, we have partnered with many of the major medical centers in the Greater Los Angeles area, raising over $30 million dollars that have funded the medical training of 45 Care & Cure fellows… and counting.
Support Care and Cure

Sign up for the Walk
The Epilepsy Walk Los Angeles is a fun-filled community event – with a serious cause – that gives everyone an opportunity to share their story of epilepsy, learn more about epilepsy, and connect with others affected by epilepsy — all while raising funds. Stay tuned for details about the event in 2023!
Sign up for the Walk

Participate in Research
Participate in Research